It has been quite some time since I’ve posted last. There is no promise of more frequent posts; however, I thought an update was due.
Summer has quickly approached and with a whirlwind it’s quickly passing faster than I can keep up. I walked into a cloud of uncertainty this summer, not knowing whether I’d stay in Greenville or be at home in Raleigh. Turns out I’m in Raleigh for now, with the slim chance I’ll end up going back to Greenville. I think regardless I would have been happy, but I have to admit I’m content where I am. There’s just something special about being home. I’m still working at Starbucks and hanging out with friends about every chance I get. It’s nice to get a break from school and just chill. I need that solitude and fun in my life.
It’s a scary time in my life, too. As I’m approaching my senior year (….did you read that?! My SENIOR year!), my future is so undetermined and confusing. I know what I want but I have no certainty that what I want will actually happen. We can plan our lives out to the most intricate detail, but chances are that they will not go the way we expect them to. I guess that’s part of life—which is a really hard thing for such a planned, organized person as myself to deal with. But it’s been such a release for me to have to let go what I have planned for my life and trust that what God has for me is better, whatever that might be. With nothing to cling to, God has forced me to fully rely on his plan for my future. At this point I can plan no further, I’ve done all I can do.
All I can do is surrender. I suppose for now I will enjoy my summer and welcome whatever my future may hold for me when the time comes. Oh, sweet summertime.
2 months ago